NOTES: In addition to being a landscape and architectural painter, lithographer and archaeologist, Bouet was also appointed Inspecteur de la Societe Francaise d'Archeologie. This drawing is one of a number of topographical studies and details of French, German, Italian and Swiss medieval architecture executed by him between around 1850 and 1865.
NOTES: In addition to being a landscape and architectural painter, lithographer and archaeologist, Bouet was also appointed Inspecteur de la Societe Francaise d'Archeologie. This drawing is one of a number of topographical studies and details of French, German, Italian and Swiss medieval architecture executed by him between around 1850 and 1865.
NOTES: This building is the largest of its kind in the Kontorhaus quarter, and takes up two complete blocks. It was built in three stages from 1927-1943.
NOTES: The Certosa (Charterhouse) di Pavia is a Carthusian monastery built between 1396 and 1452. A passage connects the great cloister of 122 arches to the small cloister, completed in 1465. The terracotta decoration of the small pilasters was executed by Rinaldo de Stauris in 1478.
NOTES: This image is from a volume of drawings (entitled Vol I) by various designers produced for or presented to the Quarto Imperial Club, London, between 1889 and 1891.