SOURCE: Robert and James Adam. The works in architecture of Robert and James Adam, Esquires. Volume III. Containing the remainder of the designs, to complete those in the preceding volumes (London, 1822), pl. [9] NOTES: Although this plate is said to be furniture for Syon it is possible that these pieces were designed for other houses.
SOURCE: Fashionable furniture : a collection of three hundred and fifty original designs representing cabinet work, upholstery and decoration, by various designers (London: Cabinet Maker and Art Furnisher, [1881]), p. 111
SOURCE: British Architect, vol. 22, 1884 Nov. 21, after p. 246 NOTES: In the accompanying article the furniture and furnishings are described as appropriate for the spending power of the lower middle class.
NOTES: Commissioned in 1937 by the Punch cartoonist Roger Pettiward (Paul Crum), this three-storeyed, open-plan house was Tayler & Green's first work. It provided a large studio-living room with living accommodation attached, which occupied the whole of the second floor. It was built of brick and rendered a shade of terracotta.