NOTES: The magazine refers to Nuneaton as being the proposed site for the new city. Two of the buildngs feature are 26 St James's Place (1959) by Denys Lasdun & Partners and the Snowdon Aviary at London Zoo (1964, Lord Snowdon, Frank Newby and Cedric Price).
NOTES: The magazine refers to Nuneaton as being the proposed site for the new city. The image entitled as featured in the journal was, ' Sailing in the Marina, 51. Citadel right, Tuttle Hill, left, Cathedral dead centre. The boats are making for the arm that feeds into the Coventry Canal.'
NOTES: The magazine refers to Nuneaton as being the proposed site for the new city. The image entitled as featured in the journal was, ' Sailing in the Marina, 51. Citadel right, Tuttle Hill, left, Cathedral dead centre. The boats are making for the arm that feeds into the Coventry Canal.'