NOTES: The church was designed by E. S. Prior and A. Randall Wells, who had been Lethaby's Clerk of Works at Brockhampton (1904). Many of the fixtures and fittings are by Ernest Gimson, notably the oak panelled chancel and the oak choir stalls. See RIBA150048 for a black and white version of this image.
NOTES: The Double Villa was a pair of villas situated between two parallel roads, Mansion House Road and Millbrae Road, identical in plan, except Janus like, one entrance faced onto Mansion Road and the other faced onto Millbrae Road. See RIBA130270 for a black and white version of this image.
NOTES: The Double Villa was a pair of villas situated between two parallel roads, Mansion House Road and Millbrae Road, identical in plan, except Janus like, one entrance faced onto Mansion Road and the other faced onto Millbrae Road. See RIBA130271 for a black and white version of this image.
NOTES: The Double Villa was a pair of villas situated between two parallel roads, Mansion House Road and Millbrae Road, identical in plan, except Janus like, one entrance faced onto Mansion Road and the other faced onto Millbrae Road. See RIBA130274 for a black and white version of this image.
NOTES: A 16th century house enlarged by Webb between 1874-1875, with further additions from 1891-1892, also by Webb. See RIBA151778 for a black and white version of this image.
NOTES: Exning House was originally built by Francis Shepheard in 1734 possibly to the design of the mason, Andrews Jelfe. In 1896 it was altered and extended to the north by Philip Webb. In 1948 it became a home for the elderly and was renamed Glanely Rest and remained so until the 1960s. It has since been subdivided and converted into three separate properties. See RIBA151119 for a black and white version of this image.