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Villa d'Este, Tivoli

SOURCE: Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Vedute di Roma (Rome, [1747?-1788]), pl. 105

Zwinger Palace and Sophien Kirche, Dresden

NOTES: The Zwinger palace was designed by M. D. Poppelmann and completed in 1732. The Sophien Kirche was destroyed in the bombing raids of the Second World War.

Schloss park, Fulda: the Orangery

Dientzenhofer, Johann (1663-1726)

Ashburnham Place, East Sussex: the kitchen garden with the house in the background

Brown, Lancelot, 'Capability' (1716-1783)
NOTES: The house, not designed by Brown except for the conservatory, was partly demolished in 1959.

William Lisle Bowles's vicarage and gardens, now Bremhill Court, Bremhill, Wiltshire: view from the house towards the ha-ha

NOTES: The Reverend William Lisle Bowles was responsible for alterations to the existing vicarage and the creation of its picturesque gardens in the first half of the 19th century.

William Lisle Bowles's vicarage and gardens, now Bremhill Court, Bremhill, Wiltshire: the obelisk

NOTES: The Reverend William Lisle Bowles was responsible for alterations to the existing vicarage and the creation of its picturesque gardens in the first half of the 19th century.

William Lisle Bowles's vicarage and gardens, now Bremhill Court, Bremhill, Wiltshire: the gothic seat on the terrace above the ha-ha

NOTES: The Reverend William Lisle Bowles was responsible for alterations to the existing vicarage and the creation of its picturesque gardens in the first half of the 19th century.

William Lisle Bowles's vicarage and gardens, now Bremhill Court, Bremhill, Wiltshire: the memorial urn to Henry Bowles

NOTES: The Reverend William Lisle Bowles was responsible for alterations to the existing vicarage and the creation of its picturesque gardens in the first half of the 19th century.

William Lisle Bowles's vicarage and gardens, now Bremhill Court, Bremhill, Wiltshire: garden vase

NOTES: The Reverend William Lisle Bowles was responsible for alterations to the existing vicarage and the creation of its picturesque gardens in the first half of the 19th century.

William Lisle Bowles's vicarage and gardens, now Bremhill Court, Bremhill, Wiltshire: the fountain

NOTES: The Reverend William Lisle Bowles was responsible for alterations to the existing vicarage and the creation of its picturesque gardens in the first half of the 19th century.

Studio for Augustus John, Fryern Court, Fordingbridge, Hampshire

Nicholson, Christopher David George (1904-1948)