NOTES: Built for and operated by the local independent Philpot Circuit, this cinema opened in 1937 only to be totally destroyed by German bombing on 2nd November 1940.
NOTES: This cinema closed in 2000. Despite being designated Grade II listed status, the building has been disused since 2005 and fallen into a ruinous state.
NOTES: Closed as an Odeon in 1967 and taken over by Classic, this cinema was subdivided for stalls bingo and a new balcony cinema in 1973. It closed definitively in 1996 and was demolished in 2002. A block of flats and retail units was built on the site in 2005.
NOTES: This was the third middle school (for 8 to 12 year-olds) built for the Hampshire education department. The steel-framed building located next to a 90-acre wood has class bases along one side and offices and service spaces along the other. The middle school system was abandoned in Hampshire in 1994 and this school became Queen's Inclosure Primary School.