NOTES: Reidhof-West was considered the last garden suburb in May and Boehm's development plan of 1925. The proposal was for a settlement housing some 4000 families. Located in the south-western district, the site was divided into quadrants and the north-west quadrant seen here, was the only one built under May's tenure. It was also sponsored by the building society called 'Heimat' Gemeinnutzige Bau-und Siedlungs AG of Berlin and the settlement was also known as Heimatsiedlung. May and Boehm drew up the master plan, with Roeckle responsible for the design of the dwellings.
NOTES: The Town Hall (now Westminster Council House) and Public Library were built in two phases. The older part comprising the tower in the Wren style was built in 1912-1918. The extension flanking Upper Montagu Street was built in 1938-1940.