NOTES: This was a development of six terrace houses each with only a 12-foot frontage. The architects, who occupied two of the houses, employed Le Corbusier's 'Modular' system of proportions based upon the Golden Mean.
NOTES: This was a development of six terrace houses each with only a 12-foot frontage. The architects, who occupied two of the houses, employed Le Corbusier's 'Modular' system of proportions based upon the Golden Mean.
NOTES: The gardens were designed by the owner, architect Clough Williams-Ellis, in three stages: the first one between 1908 and 1914, the second one between the two wars and the third one after 1951.
NOTES: This was a development of six terrace houses each with only a 12-foot frontage. The architects, who occupied two of the houses, employed Le Corbusier's 'Modular' system of proportions based upon the Golden Mean.