San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice: the choir stalls by Gaspare Gatti
Architect/Designer | Gatti, Gaspare (fl. 1594) |
| Palladio, Andrea (1508-1580) |
| Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1548-1616) |
Artist/Photographer | Smith, Edwin (1912-1971) |
Country | Italy |
City | Venice |
Subject Date | 1598 |
Image Date | 1961 |
View | Interior |
Style | Renaissance |
Medium | Photoprint |
Library Reference | ESP/VEN/325 (ES8292) |
Orientation | Portrait |
Colour Info | Black and white |
Credit | Edwin Smith / RIBA Collections |
Subject | Churches ; Decorative woodwork ; Interior decoration |
NOTES: The church of San Giorgio Maggiore was begun by Andrea Palladio in 1565 and completed after Palladio's death, by Scamozzi in 1610.
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