Alexandra Road Estate, Camden, London: the terraced housing accessed from the main pedestrian walkway
Architect/Designer | Brown, Neave Sinclair (1929-2018) |
| Camden. Architects Department |
Artist/Photographer | Charles, Martin (1940-2012) |
Country | UK: England |
City | London |
Subject Date | 1979 |
Image Date | 1979 |
View | Exterior |
Style | Modern Movement |
Medium | Photoprint |
Library Reference | AP699/180 |
Orientation | Landscape |
Colour Info | Black and white |
Credit | Architectural Press Archive / RIBA Collections |
Subject | Housing ; Concrete ; At Home in Britain: Flats ; Paving |
NOTES: Designed in 1968 by Neave Brown of Camden Council's Architects Department, this multi-family, 8-storey council housing estate, properly known as the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate, was built between 1972 and 1979.
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